Order Information and Contact
Cover Keepers: | $10.00 plus $2.00 pack and post | |
Hot Potato: | No Longer Available | |
JumpEZE: | No Longer Available |
*Special "Cruiser" Hot Potoes are no longer available.
*Add $25.00 if you want a Standard Hot Potato in chrome.
*Add $5.00 if you want a Standard Hot Potato in Black Powder Coat.
Please make payment in US dollars: PayPal, money order or check. Sorry, no credit cards accepted!
Please note if using PayPal: My PayPal account isn't set up to accept
credit or debit cards. PayPal will allow, even encourage you to
use a credit or debit card but if you do, I will have to decline
the payment. The items I sell have little to no mark-up to keep
prices as cheap as possible for you. If you use a credit or debit
card, you will end up costing me money! So please, please don't use a credit or debit card when paying PayPal for items
on my pages. Thankyou for your consideration.
Ordering from outside the continental USA
If ordering Cover Keepers from outside the continental US, please add an additional $1.00 to cover extra postage.
If ordering Hot Potatoes from outside the continental US, please add an additional $2.00 to cover extra postage.
If ordering Parmidge JumpEZE from outside the continental US, post and pack will have to be considered separately as weight will be a concern.
email: |
pokie@pokiespages.com |
Note: I have had some virus problems. When you send me an email, please keep it short and simple. If you send me a large file and I'm not expecting it, it will be deleted without opening. We all need to protect ourselves and this is the way I protect myself and the work I've put into these pages. Thanks for your cooperation.